
Medical equipment for every need

MEDICAL SERVICE srl makes available to the customer a wide range of medical products that can be used in different fields: medical-health, home, personal care and wellness, residential facilities for the elderly.

The Company relies on the professionalism of many leading manufacturer of equipment and devices with which it has established  a lasting and consolidated working relationship.

Before being marketed, the articles are evaluated with tests to guarantee the functionality, safety and durability, using highly qualified laboratories and equipped with the best equipment on the market.

For easier viewing of all proposed items were divided into categories: click on each to have detailed information on the medical articles

Linea Monouso

Prodotti e materiali di consumo sterile, medicazioni, monouso e non.

Linea Abbigliamento

Articoli per la diagnostica non invasiva, utilizzabili in campo ospedaliero, medico e domiciliare.

Linea laboratori

Una vasta gamma di articoli per laboratori, ambulatori e centri medici.

Linea Arredamento / Antidecubito

Arredamento ed accessori per cliniche, studi medici, palestre, Rsa, hotel, ambulatori ed articoli studiati per prevenire il decubito del paziente.